Healthnovum - Kim Peters
De e-learning kost 276 euro excl. btw. De prijs is bewust laag gehouden zodat de training toegankelijk is voor zo veel mogelijk zorgprofessionals wereldwijd.
Algemeen & overig, Effectiviteit en efficiency
The Health Innovation Discovery Course
Accreditatie Periode: 23-4-2018 t/m 22-4-2020
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’The Health Innovation Discovery Course’ is een Engelstalige e-learning om zorgprofessionals (in de breedste zin van het woord) zelf de zorg te laten innoveren. Daarnaast stimuleert deze e-learning kennisdeling om elkaar te inspireren en elkaar verder te helpen.
Elke module heeft dezelfde opbouw: een introductie in de vorm van een video, theorie incl. foto/videomateriaal/illustraties, een quiz om te oefenen, oefening, test om te toetsen of deelnemers het goed begrepen hebben en een vooruitblik naar de volgende module. Deze afwisseling in de lesstof zorgt ervoor dat deelnemers aangehaakt blijven en spelenderwijs leren. Belangrijke pijlers om de energie hoog te houden.
Module-omschrijving in het Engels:
In 8 modules healthcare workers will be ready to innovate healthcare themselves:
- Module 0 - introduction of the course. In this module the Health Innovation Discovery Course will be explained to the participant. A baseline measurement will be done and the participant will set his goals for the course. Also, the definitions of healthcare innovation and health innovation will be explained.
- Module 1 - awareness. In this module the participant will be introduced with a new way of thinking. What has changed in the world over the past decades? And how did people adapt to these changes. Trends in healthcare that are relevant for innovation will be shown.
- Module 2 - inspiration. In this module the participant will be inspired with trends in innovating healthcare. Technological possibilities will be explained and examples will be shown. After this the participant will fully understand the development possibilities.
- Module 3 - exploration. It’s time for action. The participant is going to make the first start in making his own healthcare innovation plan. In this module he will explore patient problems (patients included) and chances to innovate healthcare in the field where the participant is working in. Keeping the trends in healthcare and technological possibilities in innovation in mind.
- Module 4 - translation. The participant went exploring in module 3. Probably he has found a lot of opportunities to innovate healthcare in his own field. The next step is to translate his thoughts into a concrete idea. What is the participants innovation plan?
- Module 5 - realisation. Having a plan is the first step. But realising this plan in practice is second. In this module the participant will learn how to plan the realisation of his innovation idea. And tips for a smooth launch of the idea will be provided.
- Module 6 - share your innovation story. Sharing a story is always valuable. Let others know where you are working on. Where is the participant proud of? And in return he might gain new information to improve his idea.
- Module 7 - evaluating the course. Finally, we will evaluate the course. What did the participant learn?
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